"" debuted in 2007 and initially followed four socially awkward friends — Sheldon (Jim Parsons), Raj (Kunal Nayyar), Howard (Simon Helberg), and Leonard (Johnny Galecki) — as they geeked out about their nerdy interests while juggling their lives and careers. However, upon meeting their neighbor, Penny (Kaley Cuoco), the nerdy foursome got pulled into the world of dating. This led to the introduction of Bernadette (Melissa Rauch), who went on to become a series mainstay.
Bernadette joined "The Big Bang Theory" in Season 3 as a friend of Penny, who convinced her to be part of a double date with Leonard and Howard (Simon Helberg).
Outside of her relationship with Howard and the sound of her voice, Bernadette became known for a prop she wore in every episode of the CBS sitcom. And after playing the character for so long, the creators of "The Big Bang Theory" were more than happy to let Rauch keep the aforementioned item when the show ended.
After Melissa Rauch finished shooting her final scenes for "The Big Bang Theory," she went to return the glasses that her character wore for years. However, one of the sitcom's most influential figures insisted that she took them home with her instead. "I was so excited," Rauch told . "I was about to hand them back and Steve Molaro, the executive producer, said, 'I think you should have those.' I'm so glad that he did."
Rauch went on to explain that the glasses have sentimental value to her and that she came to this realization on the final day of shooting.
Despite having fond memories of her time on the series, Rauch is content with life after "The Big Bang Theory." During the aforementioned interview, she doesn't perform Bernadette's iconic voice in her personal life — much to the delight of her vocal chords.